Saturday, October 24, 2009

Teenagers Having Sex

I recently watched an episode of Lie to Me which was about teenage girls having sex with college boys for fun. The main characters had found birth control pills in his daughters bedroom and he flipped out. His ex-wife knew about it and was the one who gave them to her for protection just in case she was going to have sex. By the end of the episode the father gave back the birth control pills and became the "understanding dad".
I think the first response of the father was the best one. I do not believe in condoning teenagers having sex. I believe that you need to teach your children the dangers of it and explain to them that abstinence is the best protection from disease or pregnancy. I also know that teenagers will find a way to do what they want, it is part of being a teenager. However, I do not think you should make it easy for them or supply them with protection/birth control just in case. To say "don't have sex" then give them protection, in my opinion gives a mixed message. In the state of California, the legal age to consent is 18. My question is if you give a teenager under the age of 18 birth control or condoms is it considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Need a Hobby

I have decided that I need a hobby. I thought I already had one, but I am told reading is not a hobby. So, I am going to start sewing. My sister has also decided to start sewing with me. Our first project was something that was supposed to be simple. We made aprons. I think it turned out OK, if I were to be given a grade, I think I would get a B. It took me two days to finish. I am pretty sure it should have only taken a few hours.
Sewing is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I figured you follow a pattern and that is about it. I had no idea sewing had it's own language and phrases. I found myself running back to the computer to look up all their definitions. I also had to learn what all the symbols on the pattern stood for.
Sewing a straight line is not as easy as it sounds either! My mother bought me a mini sewing machine that I used to make the apron. I would like to think the lines on my apron are crooked because of the machine, but I'll be honest, they would not have been straight on any machine I used. Luckily I picked out thread that you can barely see! I am also happy that although you need to try to cut the fabric straight, it does not have to be perfect for the project to look nice. This little bit of information helped keep my anxiety to a minimum.
My next project is a business portfolio. I will be using a pattern by Amy Butler. There is some detail to it, but I am sure I can get it. I am looking for all the fabric I need. There are so many to choose from, it is a little intimidating. I have searched all over the Internet and I think I might have to actually leave the house to select the fabric that is just right (not easy to do with two small kids). Wish me luck and I will give an update on the portfolio.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Simpsons: 21st Season

I can not believe the Simpsons have been on the air for so long. I remember about 15 years ago I had a small dog who barked every time she heard the doorbell ring. I swear every episode of the Simpsons has a doorbell ringing in it. I am pretty sure that is one of the reasons I stopped watching it. I am amazed that a cartoon could run so long. Congratulations to the creators of The Simpsons! This is truly a huge accomplishment.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hatred in America

I just finished reading the article Secret Service Probing Obama Assassination Poll on Facebook that was posted on the Fox News website. I also read quite a few of the comments attached. I am shocked at the amount of hatred that is going on between the people of this country. I think it is horrible that this country is so divided. Whether someone is a part of the Democratic party or Republican party, this behavior is unacceptable.
The article explains how someone posted a poll asking if President Obama should be assassinated and that the secret service is looking into it. The poll has been taken off of Facebook, but the fact that it was on there is disgraceful. I hope they find the person who posted this poll. However anyone may feel about our current President is irrelevant. This should have never happened. My horror is that I am sure there were those out there who actually voted on it before it was taken off the website. There seems to be no value of life or morals left in this country.
When reading the comments attached to the article, I was even more troubled. The name calling and hatred spewed out on just about every post is ridiculous. How can anyone expect to be taken seriously, when all that come out of them is pure ugliness. It is not just from one side of the fence either. Democrats, Republicans and everyone in between seems to share the same hatred for each other. What happened to having disagreements without verbal attacks? I am saddened by the division in this country and what it can lead to.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

One of God's Gifts

I just got back from visiting my grandparents. I still have three grandparents living; my dad’s mom, who is turning 80 this month and both my mother’s parents, who are also in their 80’s. I am so blessed to still have them in my life.
My dad’s mom lives in a different state than I do. I try to call her once a week. When we talk it is for hours at a time. I love it. We talk about everything. Through her, I have learned more about my dad and how he was as a child. It is hard for me to imagine my dad as a baby, but the stories are great. My favorite one is how my grandma found my dad in the closet drinking his brother’s bottle, which he stole!
I have also learned more about my grandmother. I know I will never play Trivial Pursuit with her again. She kicked my tail. She probably can sing a little tune on just about any subject and she has, as long as I can remember, been a lot of fun to talk to. She once told me that when she dies, she wants a closed casket and a picture of her giving “the bird” for everyone to remember her by.
My other two grandparents live about fifteen minutes from me. I try to visit them as much as I can. When I was little I used to spend spring break at their house. I would go to Bible study with my grandma and when we were home, we would listen to talk radio. To this day, she still has it on in every room of the house, so she does not miss a word. My grandmother has given me invaluable advice on how to rear my kids. We discuss marriage, life with Jesus and of course, politics. I can also, trust her to tell me if I have lost or gained weight, if I am wearing the correct color of lipstick and if my hair looks nice. She encourages me to always look my best.
I love the fact that my kids are getting the opportunity to know them. My oldest is always asking to go to his grandpa’s house. They are eighty two years apart, and I can say it is the neatest thing to see them together. My son loves taking his grandpa outside to play. I am sure my grandfather gets warn out, although he would never admit it.
There are so many people who do not have their grandparents anymore. I am extremely happy that I am able to visit and talk with mine. There is no “generation gap” between us. I enjoy their company and love the conversations. I wish that I could keep them here forever! With Gods help, I hope I can teach my kids the importance of a close relationship with their grandparents and what a gift it is.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How did my mother do it?

I can not stand having a cold. My nose gets stuffy, and I just want to rip it off! I have no energy and two small children. I have been avoiding my housework for about two days now. Every time I walk by a pile of clothes, dishes in the sink or an unmade bed, I tell myself I will get to it later. Now, I am just overwhelmed because of my procrastination!
Growing up there were three of us kids. I do not remember too much from when I was little, however I know the house was always clean and neat. We, kids, were given chores when we were old enough, but I would like to know how my mother did it when we were very young. My sister was four when I was born and my brother two. I always seem to need help with my kids when I travel, have doctors appointments or anything in between.
I know I would get annoyed when some lady brought her kid on a plane or bus and the kid was crying or screaming. I would judge and say ugly things to myself about them being a bad parent. I not only feel bad about how I felt, but have been put in similar situations with my kids. Lets just say I have been humbled! When my little guys start crying or fussing, I instantly go into a panic attack! I anxiously try to calm them and get them quiet, so we do not disturb others around us. My sister says I need to get over it and that people are more understanding. It would be nice to know that I was the only judgemental person out there, but somehow I do not think that is the case. I have, by the grace of God, learned my lesson not to judge.
I know my mother traveled over seas by herself with three small kids. I again am baffled on how she accomplished this without panicking or losing her mind completely. Not to mention what she must have looked like after a 12 or 13 hour flight. I went to a 4Th of July barbecue, happy because I was having a great hair day (which is rare when you have small kids). After just a few hours of holding my infant son, I looked in a mirror and was horrified by my reflection. I looked like I had just lost a wrestling match; hair everywhere, make-up smudged. I can relate to mothers who pull their hair back in a pony tail all the time, or just cut it off.
It would have been nice if my mother would have passed down her tricks to the trade, or wrote some sort of guideline, even, a "Juggling Your Kids and Life for Dummies" book would have worked. I am sure she left me clues growing up, but I missed them. I do wish I had paid more attention!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Big Sister

My sister and I are about as opposite as two people can be. Growing up together has helped mold me into who I am today. She has taught me lessons only a big sister can teach.
When Ronald Reagan was elected President, my sister was around 11 years old. I remember she came running out of the house in a panic, screaming "We're going to war!, We're all going to die!" She's a little dramatic. A few years later when I came home crying because a girl had picked on me at the bus stop, my big sister walked to that girl's house and threatened her and her sibling with bodily harm. I would say she over reacted a little. In my pre-teen years, my sister sat on me for three hours, just because she thought it would be funny. I did not want to upset her so I went along with it. When she started working. she would cash her paycheck, and she would run down to the store and buy a one pound bag of M&M's for us to share secretly. I was always happy when she got paid.
Through all of this, my big sister taught me that not everything you hear on the news is accurate and there is no need to panic. When being attacked or picked on, stand up for yourself and fight back. She has taught me how to practice patience, have endurance and that every now and then its ok to treat yourself to a sweet treat!

Friday, July 24, 2009


My backyard looks like it is abandoned. We took everything out except the lemon and fig tree. I have been trying to add flowers to make it look pretty. I decided it would be less expensive if I plant the flowers by seed, instead of purchasing the plant at the nursery. Sounds easy enough, right? I mean, plants and flowers grow without the help of people all the time.
I must have planted 3 to 4 packs of seeds. Not one has grown! I put the seeds in the little growing container, covered them up like it says to do. Not one little sign of life. Just wet dirt! I haven't reach the giving up point yet, but my goodness. I think if this doesn't work, I may just buy the plants. I am determined to get this backyard to look inviting!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I think A.D.D. has a way of creeping out in everyone. It tends to come out when I am cleaning my house. I'll be working in one room and find a cup that goes in the kitchen. I head to the kitchen, pick up trash on floor and head toward trash can. Then I throw away trash; pick up more stuff, next thing I know I am walking around the house with a cup, a toothbrush, one slipper, a couple of toys and a full trash bag. By the time everything is put away, every room in the house is half clean and it looks like I have done nothing all day. On good days, I remind myself to return to the first room I started in. Of course, I also sound like Rain Man “Go back to the kitchen, go back to the kitchen, gotta go back to the kitchen”. It is very exhausting. I think I may just hire someone to clean my house, and then my A.D.D. will be gone.

Monday, July 13, 2009

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